Over the last 6 months, nine FAIRWAY case study sites have been testing a number of decision support tools (DSTs) that are used in European countries to help farmers/policy makers/water companies promote good practices for reducing nitrate and pesticide pollution of surface water and groundwater.
The results were presented on 12 March 2019 at a successful workshop at Aarhus University, Roskilde, Denmark.
Some of our main findings are:
- Many similar DSTs exist for similar problems. Themes and ideas behind national DSTs can be exchanged between regions and countries.
- A DST cannot generally be exchanged between countries without adjustments because of local differences in the climate, farming systems and implementation of legislation etc.
- One DST for all European countries will not work.
The FAIRWAY network increases the collaboration, exchange of ideas and inspire to improvements and further development of DSTs. Please feel free to contact us if you need any further information (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Rikke Krogshave Laursen